I have so many quirks, but I haven't taken the time to think about them. I guess I usually avoid self evaluation!
The first strange thing that comes to mind is that I can't stand to have my eye lashes touched! I'm not sure why. It makes my skin crawl. Its not that I'm concerned about the mascara running or anything. Its just the feeling of them being messed with. Strange I know.
The second thing is that I can't stand to keep my hair the same for very long. Case in point here is what my hair looked like a year and a half ago and what it looks like now! (Lots of blond highlights again!) Maybe its just a girl thing, and not so much a quirk.
The third quirk is that I can't stand stinky smells, especially a dish rag that has been left out too long and has that musty mildew smell. I've been known to walk in the house, smell something, and go on a search for the offending odor. I use color safe bleach on every towel load of laundry and other more stinky loads because it helps keep them smelling better longer.
I just thought of a fourth to replace the thing about hair, because I know lots of us who love to visit the salon often! So instead, I will say I have this obsession about locking doors. My doors are bolted all day long and I check them all again before I go to bed. And if Bryant says, "I don't think I locked the door" no matter how tired I am, I can't got to sleep without making sure all the doors are locked. Its not just because of Bryson trying to get outside, I did it even before I had kids. I can't stand to leave a door unlocked. I guess I'm paranoid. :)
Now I can think of more since I started doing this, but I'd better stop!