So lets see, May what did we do. We got a trailer and went camping in Cokeville, WY. That was fun. It was one of the few if not the first trip we have done something with just our little family and didn't add extended family into the trip. Well, that's not entirely true. We helped Bryan'ts grandma put in her garden while we were there, but we were the only ones camping. Ashelynn finished first grade and did very well too. She really misses her teacher and seeing her friends there every day. Here are some pics of our cute kids in May, followed by camping pictures!
June stared with Ashelynn's first piano recital and she did very well. Getting her to practice wasn't easy, but she enjoyed it once she got the songs down. Bryant had his 33 birthday the same weekend we blessed Caringtyn so he got to have several family parties with his family and mine. Caringtyn's blessing was nice and she didn't cry during it! I am always afraid that my children will cry when they get blessed, but not one of the has! The second weekend of June Bryant's brother's baby was blessed also. Little Paxton and Caringtyn are only 3 days apart and we were able to get some cute pics of them together in their blessing outfits. The next weekend of June we went camping with my parents. My parent's stake was finishing girls camp the day we started camping. Since my mom is the stake YW president, she was still at the girl's camp and we met her there. My parent's were in charge of guarding the whole camp over the weekend until the next stake got there so we were able to stay at the camp for free and help watch over it while it wasn't in use. It was a fun trip. The last part of June we went to Yellowstone with some good friends from BYU and their families. We rented a cabin in Island Park, ID. We had fun in Yellowstone and went on a slow river raft ride. The ride on the river was fun, but we were very glad to see the end because we has very tired and hungry kids. Caringtyn did pretty well on the raft considering her age. Ashelynn and her friend Emmy would get in and out of the raft and walk the river because it was so shallow. Bryson helped us paddle the whole way. We saw some people fishing and he yelled out to them, "You fishing?" to shich they said yes and then he said, "Did you catch one?" To which they said yes. Then he yells out, "Good Job!"
All of June when we were home I played catch up trying to get ready for the next trip. It was fun, but I am tired!!!
As July started we were finishing up our Yellowstone trip and headed straight to UT. We went to 7 peaks with Andy and Heidi and Gary and Jen and their families. Then Bryant had his family's golf tournament and his neice was blessed. My sister and her family were in town from Texas so we spent some time with them also.
We feel really blessed to have so much family and friends and so many fun things going on, but I am worn out! The kids have done really well with all the commotion and traveling. I love them so much and they are wonderful!
Piano recital
Fun with friends in the back yard

I need to blog more often so I don't have these monster posts anymore!
looking good and sounds like a fun summer so far! hope all is well!
That last picture is my favorite too! And of course we read your blog...when you update it! You are still fabulous and wonderful and that's why I love you!
Whew, what a whirlwind of a summer! You amaze me! I hope I can be as brave as you when it comes time to travel.
Cute, It was fun to be updated on your life and family. i want to plan a villiage green camping trip sometime next summer. If I plan it are you in?
Your blog is so fun. I love your pics. Your baby sure is smiley. So sweet. See you at soccer.
I love ALL the pic's. Your new haircut is darling. Thanks for sharing.
Aww, the kids are all getting so big! Looks like you guys are too busy having fun! Love all the pics, looks like we have the same car seat too, haha!
I check your blog :) I waa excited to see a new post! Looks like a fun summer, too bad we didn't get a chance to see you while you were here. It was fun to see the pictures (and Gary, I haven't seen him forever! He makes me laugh!) Anyway, cute kiddos!
Love that last pic too! Miss you guys!
Hey, Ciera!
Wow, I cannot even believe how grown up Ashelynn and Bryant are--and Caringtyn is such a gorgeous, happy little baby! Next year, we'll have to plan on meeting up in Provo.
Our email is send me yours so I can invite you to our blog.
Fun pictures. Your kids are so cute. I need the picture with me and the kids in the hot tub. That was a really fun day.
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